
Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) Reaction CFD Simulation (2D) – Numerical Paper Validation

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Steam methane reforming (SMR) is a widely used industrial process for the production of hydrogen gas (H2). It involves the reaction of methane (CH4) with steam (H2O) in the presence of a catalyst to produce hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide (CO) as follows:

CH4 + H2O → CO + 3H2

This reaction is highly endothermic, meaning it requires a significant input of heat to proceed. Moreover, applications of steam methane reforming in industries mainly include hydrogen production, refining, and electronics.

This project aims to validate the steam methane reforming (SMR) process in 2D computational domain using ANSYS Fluent software. The valuable reference paper entitled “CFD modeling and control of a steam methane reforming reactor [1] “ published in Chemical Engineering Science journal was selected as the reference and guidance for our assumptions.

  • Reference [1]: Lao, Liangfeng, et al. “CFD modeling and control of a steam methane reforming reactor.” Chemical Engineering Science148 (2016): 78-92.

Simulation Process

In the primary step, the 2D rectangular domain with the size of 12.5*0.063m is designed in Design Modeler software. It should be noted that a cylindrical combustion chamber will be assumed by using axisymmetric space. Next, the computational domain is divided into cells to provide it for the solver, using Ansys Meshing software. The employed structured grid includes 64000 cells.

Close shot of the generated mesh grid over combustion chamber

Figure 1- Close shot of the generated mesh grid over combustion chamber

For the sake of accurate simulation, k-epsilon turbulence model, along with Enhanced wall treatment, is utilized. In order to consider radiation effects of the reaction, the Descrete Ordinates (DO) radiation model is employed. Plus, all the reactants and products are assumed to be species, resulting in the use of Species transport model. Based on the given reaction formula, CH4 and H2o react under specific circumstances that produce CO and H2. More importantly, the volume reaction rate is controlled using a well-written user-defined function (UDF). As the last consideration, the porous module with particular conditions is activated to strengthen the assumptions of chamber condition and reach validated results.



As previously mentioned, the reaction’s kinetics do not follow the Arrhenius model; this is why a UDF was written. Plus, the reference paper states that the upper wall of the combustion chamber requires a specific temperature gradient that was applied using an expression.

After the entrance of methane and mixing with water vapor, the reaction takes place. The mass fraction of the reactants and products, including carbon monoxide and hydrogen, shows approximately where the reaction ignited. As can be seen, it takes some time to mix and start the reaction.

Mass fraction of carbon Monoxide produced

Figure 2- Mass fraction of carbon Monoxide produced

The temperature contour depicts the temperature distribution in the combustion chamber. It is limited between 837 and 1130K. The software reports the average temperature of the chamber as 1122K. According to the literature, the effects of radiation are not negligible when dealing with high temperatures, so it should be taken into account.

Temperature Distribution over the combustion chamber

Figure 3 – Temperature Distribution over the combustion chamber

Finally, based on the given data in Table 5 of the reference paper, the species mole fraction is completely achieved and the paper validation is done:

In Reference Paper Present CFD Simulation Error
Mole Fraction of H2 0.4645 0.4605 0.86%



We pride ourselves on presenting unique products at CFDLAND. We stand out for our scientific rigor and validity. Our products are not based on guesswork or theoretical assumptions like many others. Instead, most of our products are validated using experimental or numerical data from valued scientific journals. Even if direct validation isn’t possible, we build our models and assumptions on the latest research, typically using reference articles to approximate reality.

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You can load geometry and mesh files, as well as case and data files, using any version of ANSYS Fluent.



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