Windcatcher CFD Simulation, ANSYS Fluent Tutorial

Windcatcher CFD Simulation, ANSYS Fluent Tutorial

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Windcatchers are a great example of how building architecture and fluid mechanics can work together to make things more comfortable. It`s an extraordinary combination of Architecture and Mechanical engineering. They show how old designs can be used to improve modern engineering techniques. These traditional buildings are commonly used in the dry Middle East. It uses natural wind to keep rooms at a suitable thermal comfort without using active cooling systems. The passive cooling system not only makes the temperature more comfortable, but it also uses less energy, showing a green way to control the climate. As builders look for new ways to deal with unbearable temperatures and energy needs, studying windcatchers can teach them a lot about how to make buildings that work with their surroundings and use natural forces to make energy-efficient, comfortable places. In the current study, we focused on CFD simulation of a windcatcher according to an invaluable reference paper entitled “ Analysis of traditional windcatchers and the effects produced by changing  the size, shape, and position of the outlet opening [1]”.

  • Reference [1]: Varela-Boydo, C. A., S. L. Moya, and R. Watkins. “Analysis of traditional windcatchers and the effects produced by changing the size, shape, and position of the outlet opening.” Journal of Building Engineering 33 (2021): 101828.

Windcatcher CFD simulation-min

Figure 1: Windcatcher CFD simulation

Simulation Process

Windcatcher itself is erected using Spaceclaim software. Hydrodynamics research requires an extensive computational domain. However, creating an individual region near the critical zones can help us perform a more effective grid later and control the number of elements. For higher reliability of the project, grid independence study is carried out. Five polyhedral grids are generated using Fluent Meshing. Figure 3 represents the average velocity computed at a critical point in each of the grids. Given 5% difference as the acceptrable error, grid #4 with 3752563 cells is selected. As the reference paper implies, the SST k-ω and k-kl-ω models got values that were most like those seen in the wind tunnel. Both models came up with pretty much the same answers in this case. Because of this, the SST k-ω model was picked to be used for the whole numerical modeling part of the project.

Windcatcher model geometry

Figure 2: Windcatcher model geometry

Grid independence study over windcatcher CFD simulation

Figure 3: Grid independence study over windcatcher CFD simulation



To start the analysis, see the velocity contour (Fig. 4). It shows how the airflow changes over time and how well the windcatcher works for natural ventilation. The contour bands show a clear pattern of air movement, with high-speed areas (shown by red and orange colors) on the windward side of the windcatcher and above the building. This fast airflow reaches 8.2 m/s and is successfully caught and sent down into the room inside (indoor space). As the air falls, it slows down slowly, which can be seen by blue and green colors that appear in the windcatcher and the room below. This slowing down is important for making an indoor space compatible based on thermal comfort factor.

Velocity distribution around the windcatcher

Figure 4: Velocity distribution around the windcatcher

The simulation also highlights how the windcatcher can make clear areas where air flows (see Fig. 5). There is a low-velocity region right behind the building. This is a wake or return zone. You may remember, in the initial step, we created denser meshed in this area because we expected turbulent flow effects. This happens a lot when fluids move around bluff bodies, and it can help the general ventilation plan by creating pressure gradients. It is much cooler inside the room, with wind speeds between 0 and 2 m/s, which is perfect for comfort. There are slightly faster-moving airstreams in the room, which suggests that the windcatcher does an excellent job of directing fresh air to the area that people are using.

Air streams in 3D and 2D view around the windcatcher

Air streams in 3D and 2D view around the windcatcher

Figure 5: Air streams in 3D and 2D view around the windcatcher

The CFD analysis proves that the windcatcher is a novel way to use natural wind energy for passive cooling and ventilation from a design point of view. The strong difference in speed seen at the top of the windcatcher shows that it is doing its job of catching and moving airflow. However, the simulation also shows places where improvements could be made, like the slow spots inside the windcatcher’s pathways. In later designs, the internal shape could be improved to get rid of these low-flow places and make the ventilation system work better overall. This suggests that designing the windcatcher and the building form together could improve natural ventilation even more.


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You can load geometry and mesh files, as well as case and data files, using any version of ANSYS Fluent.



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Original price was: €135.00.Current price is: €85.00.